● Mowing is carried out with a 10 meter wide set of Krone triple mowers fitted with conditioners & spreader kits for faster drying time
● 6 rotor high output tedder for high D/M quality silage
● 9m two rotor or 14 meter four rotor rakes for both hay & silage.
● 4wd self propelled forager harvester – fitted with the latest wholecrop mill and 5.2 m disc header.
● Clamping is done With a JCB 418s Loading Shovel fitted with a 4.8 meter wide folding Buckrake, All So a 3 meter wide Kelvin Cave SilaPactor Compactor working along side the loading shovel to pack more than 25% extra in to the silage clamp , resulting in Zero waste in the clamp
● Ag-bag work can also be done
● Silage pits – professionally sheeted to ensure best quality silage.
● Five 12 ton grain & silage trailers for hire with air/oil brakes on high speed axles & fitted with high speed 500-60-22.5 Radial flotation tyres